昆山代理企业进口二手半导体设备的报关公司 日本|美国|德国|澳大利亚|马来西亚|韩国|南非|印度|二手设备|意大利|西班牙|希腊|闽台 上海二手设备进口报关代理公司|上海二手设备进口*|上海机场二手设备**进口报关代理|上海港二手设备**进口报关代理公司|上海二手设备进口清关代理公司|无锡二手设备进口报关|无锡二手设备进口 ——选择万享,就是选择顺利通关! 万享供应链管理(中国)有限公司,提供一站式**进口门到门物流、清关服务。 万享专注进口物流13年,**二手设备进口报关、报检、外贸、退税、单证、中检(CCIC)等代理,在进口二手设备业务方面拥有丰富的经验,欢迎二手设备进口商咨询。二手设备进口报关联系人:何先生 二手设备报关热线: ,021-60893472,Q ,公司地址:上海市浦东新区张杨路3611弄金桥国际商业广场6座906-908室。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 根据我司13年二手机械设备进口代理经验总结,我可以负责任的告诉准备进口二手机械设备企业,**是可以进口的,当然其中有很多细节所在,也就是难点所在。下面我来根据我司实际操作经验总结如下: 1、二手机械设备进口备案。因为旧设备旧机械设备属于监管产品,所以简单的说,二手机械设备进口备案,就相当于告诉地区相关部门我要进旧设备了,他们出具备案书,也就是他们同意你进口。这是旧机械设备进口的第一步。当然能不能办理出来备案书,要根据企业的性质,比如是工厂还是贸易公司;设备信息,比如能否提供设备的生产年份、产地、照片、维修保养记录等等详细信息;比如预检地的选择,比如代理实力。这些都是影响因素,要具体问题具体分析,同样的设备,别人能进来你不一定能进来,原因也在这里。 2、二手机械设备进口预检。这是第二步。企业要想顺利的进口旧设备只有拿到预检报告才行。跟备案关联起来,就是相关部门知道你要进口这台旧设备,现在是允许企业进口旧设备了,这个才是较重要及核心的。这个时候预检地的选择很有技术性,这要看企业要进口的机械设备的具体情况,比如设备状况不是很好,那么选择一个能说上话的中检公司就至关重要了;要看企业对企业进口时间的要求,比如欧洲预检后再发货与中国香港预检后再发货这样可以省去差不多一个月的时间;比如代理公司的选择,如果前期工作都做好了,结果预检通不过那么对企业的时间**甚至是生产计划都有很大的影响。 3、二手机械设备进口许可证,即自动进口许可证俗称“O”证。这个分为地方及总局办理。现在地区在这方面放宽了很多,但是相对也严格了很多。这个要看企业所在地的政策,根据我司在全国各地办理二手机械设备进口许可证的经验,每个地方都会有点区别。就不在这里详述了。 4、二手机械设备进口报关。这一步就不多说了,这个有过进口报关经验或者找个代理公司问一下就可以,在这里就不赘述了。 (According to our second-hand machinery and equipment import agent for 13 years of experience, I can responsibly tell for the import of second-hand machinery and equipment companies, can definitely be imported, of course, there are a lot of details, but also is the difficulty. Here I come according to the division of the actual operation experience is summed up as follows: 1, second-hand machinery and equipment imported for the record. Because the old equipment, old machinery and equipment supervision belongs to the product, so simple to say, second-hand machinery and equipment imported is related to the State Department told me to enter the old equipment, they issued a record book, which they agree with your import. This is the first step in the import of old mechanical equipment. Of course, can not handle it for the record books, according to the nature of the enterprise, such as a factory or trading company; equipment information, such as whether to provide photos, year, origin, production equipment maintenance records detailed information; such as the pre selection, such as strength agent. These are the factors that affect the specific issues of specific analysis, the same equipment, others can come in you may not be able to come in, the reason is here. 2, second-hand machinery and equipment import inspection. This is the second step. The import of used equipment enterprises to successfully get it only pre report. Associated with the record, is the relevant departments to know that you want to import this old equipment, and now is to allow enterprises to import old equipment, this is the most important and core. This time to preview the choice is very technical, the specific circumstances of machinery and equipment enterprises to import equipment, such as the situation is not very good, so choose a say in companies is crucial; to look at the business requirements of enterprise import time, such as the European pre before shipment and Hongkong pre delivery after it saves almost a month; such as agency, if the preliminary work done, the pre pass then the business time and money and even has great effect on production plan. 3, second-hand machinery and equipment import license, that is, automatic import license, commonly known as "O" certificate. This is divided into local and general administration. Now the country in this regard to relax a lot, but also a lot of strict. This depends on the location of the company's policy, according to our experience in handling second-hand machinery and equipment imported from all over the country, every place will be a little different. Will not detail here. 4, second-hand machinery and equipment import declaration. This step is not to say, this is the import declaration experience or find a company can ask, get into here.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 深圳|广州|东莞|厦门|成都|天津|上海|苏州|北京|青岛|无锡|山东|河北省|廊坊|石家庄|大连|武汉 唐山|沈阳|哈尔滨|西安|太原|济南|长春|鞍山|抚顺兰州|吉林市|徐州|柳州|武汉|唐山|包头|重庆|齐齐哈尔|洛阳|大庆|郑州|本溪------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二手设备进口清关流程|二手设备进口清关手续|无锡二手设备进口清关费用|进口报关流程|手续|关税 二手设备进口代理|无锡二手设备进口报关代理|上海二手设备进口报关|上海港二手设备进口清关公司 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二手的冲压机,数控车床,数控冲床,数控钻床,CNC二手设备,激光切割机,挤出机,折弯机,印刷机,胶印机,磨床,模具,锻压机,半导体仪器类,焊接机,工业机器人,磨齿机,污水处理二手设备,数码印刷机,多功能机器人,二手设备生产线,喷涂生产线, 工程二手设备:电动叉车,起重机,挖掘机,铺路机,升降机,装袋机,推土机,压路机 二手设备生产二手设备:包装机,饮料灌装生产线,二手设备加工生产线,榨汁机,咖啡机,过滤机。二手设备膨化机,自动售卖机,烘烤饼干机,脱水机,灭菌机, 农业机器:收割机,采棉机 昆山代理企业进口二手半导体设备的报关公司